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Dugout Signs
Dugout Signs
This is a brand-new program where you can put your sign up on the back of one of our 8 main fields that has the most traffic under the same processes and policies as our outfield signs, however since they are in prime locations and there is a limited number of spaces.
Pricing for the Dugout Signs is based on the location that has the most potential visual traffic:
LEVEL 1 $500.00
Highest Visibility Dugouts
These dugouts will be viewed by most of the spectators walking from the main parking lot that has access to most of the fields but also the main concession stand, office and bathrooms.
3B Dugout on Field 4
1B Dugout on Field 8
3B Dugout on Field 9
LEVEL 2 $400.00
Next Highest Visibility
1B Dugout on Field 4
1B Dugout on Field 6
3B Dugout on Field 6
1B Dugout on Field 7
3B Dugout on Field 7
3B Dugout on Field 8
3B Dugout on Field 11
LEVEL 3 $350.00
Lowest Visibility but still very visible to many of the spectators
1B Dugout on Field 5
3B Dugout on Field 5
1B Dugout on Field 10
1B Dugout on Field 11
Dugouts not available
Fields 1, 2, 3